Sunday, May 17, 2009


Hey all,

Been a long time since the last post. A lot's been going on recently. Works been crazy busy, My girlfriend and I are trying to see eachother as much as possible (lives 6ish hours away), I have a sister getting married next weekend and I need to lose weight to fit into the tux (20lbs down, 5ish more to go), and I'm studying for my Ethical Hacking Cert. All in all, april 14th, my last post, through today have flown by so fast that I didn't realize it had been so long...

Fun little thingy: I've been playing with Ubuntu lately. Any one interested in Linux, aka. those who hate microsoft and aren't made out of money, go and get the 'Linux Starter Pack.' It's a magazine you can find in Barnes & Noble or Borders, etc. It comes with a 'how to' for us new linux users, and an Ubuntu start up disk (free OS). It's pretty nifty. Show's you most of the stuff you need to get going. I would still recommend getting some reading material a bit more in-depth later on, but it's a good starting place.

That's all for now! I'm working through Tuesday and then have the rest off, so maybe I'll get another post out this week. We'll see...Busy Busy Busy!