Friday, March 20, 2009

First Post: YAY!


It's my first post. This may be deleted later, but I figured that I needed something on here. I will be working on getting a new/better background up tonight and this weekend. This is my very first blog ever so I'm still getting use to the idea of posting junk. I do follow and it's actually the reason why I started this blog. Plus, she's my Girlfriend so I figured I better mention her. ;) This site will hopefully contain technical help, a daily 'rant' about IT or something, and place for questions. If I have an answer for the question you ask, and your permission, I will post it to the site. There will also be the occasional funny picture posted or funny story about every day things. For example:

I recently moved back up to Iowa for my job. It is a good move for me because I have a smaller footprint to cover. In Missouri it was about 71 Retail locations and in Iowa it's about 20. : ) I had lived in Iowa while I went to high school and college, and outside my parents front yard was a very large Corn/soy bean field. It is common knowledge to most individuals that Iowa raises Corn, Soy beans and Pigs. The occasional cow can be found grazing as well, but they are usually few and far between.

I moved a couple weeks ago and after getting settled at my temporary location in a medium sized farming town I decided that my shaggy head of hair needed to go. I drove over to one of the local hair cutting places and signed in. About 15 minutes later I was happily seated and getting my head buzzed. The sweet lady, about 45 years in age, who was cutting my hair tried making small talk with me. She asked questions about my job, where I lived, if I was married, so on and so forth. I told her that I was taken but not married and that I had recently moved back here from Missouri. She says, "Wow! Do you like it back here?" I answered with a, "yup," and tried to move the conversation along. Figuring that it would be polite to continue chatting, I asked her if she was from the area originally. She replied with a yes and started blow drying the hair off my neck. She then stopped, put down the dryer, looked at me and said, "Well, you're all finished. And by the way, welcome back to the land of Potatoes." I sat there dumbfounded. "Land of Potatoes..." I thought. She couldn't be serious! What, did she think that Potatoes grow on Stalks?? I was completely lost for words and got out of my chair to go pay. After leaving I sat in my pickup for a bit and wondered if the lady was really does some one from Iowa think they are in Idaho?

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