Thursday, October 8, 2009

Use Your Mind

At University of Advancing Technology, they are going to be implementing a new piece of hardware. When I first read about this on the site page, I was highly doubtful it would actually work. The new technology uses 'brain-waves' to control a gaming universe. Go here and check it out. They offer a couple videos demonstrating their technology. One of their competitors, Emotiv,, uses similar technology but on a wider scale and incorporating head tracking into their device. I haven't had an opportunity to purchase or use one of these yet, but believe me, as soon as I get the funds to buy one, I will.

This technology opens up endless possibilities for being incorporated into games, software, programming, etc. In one demo from Emotive, an individual uses the device to control an electric wheelchair. Emotive also claims that their device can be used in any game available today. An example would be using it in the Harry Potter games or The Elder scrolls IV: Oblivion, to cast spells or shoot an arrow, open doors, etc. If anyone has had an opportunity to try this out, please post your thoughts!

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